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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Year 1 at Waverley - For Ages 5-6 yrs

Year 1 Overview

In Year 1 we aim to build upon the key skills that the children have learnt in Reception in a safe, stimulating and (importantly) fun way. While we use the National Curriculum as a framework, teaching is tailored to meet the needs of each child. A combination of whole class teaching, group work activities and individual attention, promotes active learning within a nurturing environment.

The core skills of Mathematics and Literacy are taught using structured programmes and are developed through a range of practical activities and written work. For Reading, Phonics, Grammar, Spelling and Writing our pupils follow the Read Write Inc. framework developed by Ruth Miskin in conjunction with Oxford University Press (read more here). We also use other reading books for children to practise at home such as the Oxford Reading Tree, Reading 360 and Project X programmes. 

We offer a broad range of study through topics such as “Toys", and activities are organised to stimulate children’s curiosity using investigation, discussion and practical work. The children’s work is also supported and enhanced by the use of ICT equipment in the ICT Suite.

Other lessons include Art, Music, P.E, Religious Education and PHSE, Design & Technology, as well as specialist teaching in Speech & Drama, and French. From Year 1, all children participate in weekly swimming lessons, as well as PE and dance. The children also take part in a drama workshop each term.

During the summer, a key area of study is growing vegetables in our veg garden and in the classroom. The children also make ice cream as part of the topic 'Best Job in the World'!

Taking on Responsibilities

The children are encouraged to follow the ‘Waverley Way’ which promotes 'Being Kind,' 'Being Honest' and 'Trying Their Best.' In this supportive atmosphere, children gain self- confidence and learn to take responsibility for their own actions.

From Year 1, children can be voted onto the School Council and take part in regular meetings. Responsibilities include organising a Book Fair to raise money for charity.

School Trips and Visits From Local Professionals

Educational trips and visitors to the school support the topics covered and enrich the children’s learning. School trips vary from year to year, but have included:

  • The Look Out, Bracknell Forest
  • Windsor Castle
  • Rushall Farm
  • Milestones Museum, Basingstoke
  • Legoland
  • Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium,
  • Birdworld

We also have regular visits from professionals including a reptile show where the children got to hold and find out information about reptiles.

Curriculum Maps for Year 1

Please click on the pdfs below for an in-depth plan of Year 1 study term by term.

Autumn Term Year 1 Learning Journey

Spring Term Year 1 Learning Journey

Summer Term Year 1 Learning Journey


Photo Galleries

See below pictures of a Year 1 Science lesson where they planted beans.

For more school photos, click here


Year 1 Science

Growing Runner Beans