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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Waverley Pre-Prep (Reception - Yr 2)

         Pupils' attitudes to learning and achievement are exemplary. Children in Reception listen attentively and engage enthusiastically in all activities."  ISI, 2022


Your child will continue to discover themselves and flourish at the age of four. Whether they have been through Waverley’s own Nursery or are entering the school at this point, your child will receive the best in traditional teaching in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Upon entering our Pre-Prep, the pupils benefit from our full range of specialist teaching staff and in addition to their classroom teacher, they will have specialist lessons in Sport, Music, Art, ICT and Languages.

Exploration is the key at this age and your child is encouraged to be creative and independent as they approach their learning. Our Reception classroom provides a modern, self-contained environment which is a catalyst for learning, allowing our youngsters to interact with open-ended materials to develop creative and critical thinking. We value and respect your child's theories and allow him or her the opportunity to test their ideas. A sense of curiosity informs the direction of their learning, resulting in highly motivated, effective learners.

As your child moves into Years 1 and 2, the core skills of reading, writing and acquisition of number skills are taught through structured programmes. These subjects continue to be complemented by a broad curriculum of other subjects, many of which are taught by specialist teachers. Academic and social progress is rewarded at every opportunity and all the children thrive in a learning environment that is both challenging and nurturing. Your child will be encouraged to be kind, have good manners, have respect for others and themselves, and recognise the importance of effort and hard work.

Upon entering our Pre-Prep, Waverley pupils can access our acclaimed After-School Club programme. The school bell may ring at 15:30hrs, but the fun doesn’t stop there. Our teachers and a host of specially appointed external staff offer an After-School curriculum rich in breadth and opportunity and our pupils are encouraged to explore new pursuits as soon as they enter our school. Currently, our Pre-Prep pupils take part in Cookery, Tennis, Football, Craft, Yoga, Street Dance, Cheerleading and Scrumys Rugby alongside many more activities.