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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Individual Support (SEN - Special Educational Needs)

Pre-Prep (KS1) Individual Support (Ages 4-7 Yrs)

Rigorous tracking and monitoring of each child's progress means that any learning needs can be quickly identified and supported. Pupils sometimes require a short period of intensive support to boost their achievement, or to remedy any gaps in understanding. Although for most children this is sufficient, we do offer more specialist support through our Learning Success Department, including Learning Support Assistants and our fully qualified Specialist Teacher.

Prep School (KS2) Individual Support (Ages 7-11 yrs)

At Waverley, the individual talents and abilities of every child are paramount. All our pupils have skills, and our individualised education programme ensures these are developed to the full.

Occasionally, students require extra support to achieve their full potential. Our Learning Success Department works with children who need support in the short term, and those who have identified needs such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia. Having a learning need should never be a barrier to achievement and many pupils who receive support go on to achieve superb results, including academic scholarships and grammar school entry.

Children work with the Learning Success Department individually and in small groups. We have Learning Success Assistants who are deployed to work with children in the classroom to support and extend learning and we have a fully qualified Specialist Teacher who works with individual child with specialist learning programmes.

We work closely with parents to ensure that they are involved with the Learning Success of their child.

Personal Learning Plans

Personal Learning Plans, (formerly known as 'Individual Education Plans') where necessary, are shared and communicated at regular meetings, and the involvement of parents is encouraged. Parents are involved in the drawing up of these PLP’s and areas for development are agreed and targets set. These targets are reviewed at termly meetings with parents.